Contact Info

Zawaya - Maadi

  • Client: Zawaya
  • Category: Construction
  • Date: 24th June 2020
  • Status: Completad

Zawaya – Maadi


proudly Offered Our Services For A Wide Range Of Egypt’s Mega Developers Creating ALife Long Partnerships, To provide leading-edge design from concept through completion for integrated, cost-effective solutions. A well-experienced multi-disciplinary engineering consultancy company operating since 1998. Offering services in multi-disciplinary tasks in the fields of planning, design, project management, construction supervision & the entire range of construction-related activities.

Earn the respect, confidence, and loyalty of its clients by providing to each of its various scaled projects the highest standards of quality and meeting the needs of each project with tailor-made resources – both human and technical. SDC is dedicated to satisfying its clients’ requirements using all available resources at the minimal possible cost, whilst maintaining a premium-quality service and maximum efficiency. This customer-oriented devotion has been SDC’s ethos since its inception and is signified by its long-term relationships with many private and public organizations, some of which have been our clients for more than 10 years.


client’s goals

The goal of a project manager is to save the client 10% to 20% of the total cost and reduce the commitment of their internal resources. This positive return on investment comes from timely coordination and the savings that come from experience and existing vendor relationships.

  • Default Regulations.
  • Internally and outstanding.
  • 115 detailers and engineers.
  • The teamwork it demonstrates.
  • Solve problems before they arise.
  • The result of employees.
  • Pressures of more regulations.
  • All coming together to solve.

Project management has become an important part of commercial real estate for a variety of reasons, including growing technology demands, planned stages of growth, and greater specialized services. The scope of project management from beginning to end includes project planning and design oversight; strategic planning; budget and schedule development; occupancy planning; risk management; site selection analysis; construction management, and move management.

our process

Process One: Define

the overall planning, control and coordination of the project from inception to completion aimed at meeting a client’s requirements

Process two: Estimate

Likely value of land identified for a development project, the possible level of profit that might be derived from undertaking the scheme

Process three: Solutions

SDC engineering company proudly offered our services to a wide range of Egypt’s mega developers creating aLife long partnerships

Transform your business with our provided real estate solutions, customized to support your Real Estate and Construction business in infrastructural and management terms. Real Estate & Construction is one of the largest known industries in the world, however, we think it has still to conquer more benchmarks when it comes to technology adoption. Meanwhile, it has the potential to outgrow the world’s expectations, but its traditional methodology to operate and manage is still holding it back. According to a survey, about 48% of brokers claimed they find it hard to keep up with the technology. so, the potential is huge, but as a business, if you think you have just scratched the surface without the technology and find it hard to penetrate in the market we are here to help.